Another day of fairly full-on work on our deliverables. Enlightened late in the day when Laerte called in to review some of them with us. It was a good discussion and I think we all took something away from it.
Earlier in the day we had our first compilation of the main components of the major presentation and this led to some long discussions as we worked through the different perspectives and expectations we all had of what we were doing. We got to the point at lunch time of having viewed everything and realised we had to revisit the audience and what we had to deliver, so we went to lunch instead. Our excuse was that our translator, Mariana, had to get away for a final exam this afternoon so we had to have lunch in time for her to do that. We went to our local Kilo Restaurant and as usual they had a good selection of salads, vegetables, and various meats and made dishes. Here's the team heading for lunch.
Gone to lunch |
On the way there I completed my compilation of rubbish stands. I am not sure what they call them locally but most houses have a stand outside where they put their rubbish (usually in supermarket or large plastic bags) and the collectors collect them from there - fairly frequently like every day or two I'd say. The stand is up high, presumably to keep them out of reach of animals, and varies according to the house which owns them. I am sure Brazilians would be equally fascinated by our wheelie bins, particularly the various types we have. They do teach recycling in the schools and certainly you can find bins for rubbish and recycling in many places but I am told the adults are not much good at it yet.
Here's a selection of rubbish stands:
The "Robust" |
The "Artistic" |
The "Basic" |
The "Altar" |
The "Substantial" |
The "Middle of the Road" Literally. On the median strip. |
So after wishing Mariana all the best for her exam we returned to the office and had a good discussion on audience and content for the deliverable. We then broke off into various workgroups to work our way through the changes required. We'd just finished when Laerte arrived some time after five and we adjourned to his office to go through some material with him.
Izadora (our afternoon translator), Michael, Cecilia and Laerte |
After a couple of hours it was time to head home. After Laerte dropped us off at the hotel we connected with a few of the others down the road at a barbecue place where they did serve up some very tasty meat of various forms. Oh, and some manioc and chopped up tomatoes and peppers. And does garlic sauce count as a vegetable for my 5+ a day?
#ibmcsc brazil
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